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leafnodes Configuration Block

Property Description
advertise Hostport <host>:<port> to advertise to other servers.
authorization Authorization block. See Authorization Block section below.
host Interface where the server will listen for incoming leafnode connections.
listen Combines host and port as <host>:<port>
no_advertise if true the leafnode shouldn't be advertised.
port Port where the server will listen for incoming leafnode connections.
remotes List of remote entries specifying servers where leafnode client connection can be made.
tls TLS configuration block (same as other nats-server tls configuration).

Authorization Block

Property Description
user Username for the Leafnode connection.
password Password for the user entry.
account Account this Leafnode connection should be bound to.
timeout Maximum number of seconds to wait for Leafnode authentication.
users List of credentials and account to bind to Leafnode connections. See User Block section below.

Users Block

Property Description
user Username for the Leafnode connection.
password Password for the user entry.
account Account this Leafnode connection should be bound to.

Here are some examples of using basic user/password authentication for Leafnodes:

Singleton mode:

leafnodes {
  port: ...
  authorization {
    user: leaf
    password: secret
    account: TheAccount

With above configuration, if a soliciting server creates a Leafnode connection with url: nats://leaf:secret@host:port, then the accepting server will bind the leafnode connection to the account "TheAccount". This account need to exist otherwise the connection will be rejected.

Multi-users mode:

leafnodes {
  port: ...
  authorization {
    users = [
      {user: leaf1, password: secret, account: account1}
      {user: leaf2, password: secret, account: account2}

With the above, if a server connects using leaf1:secret@host:port, then the accepting server will bind the connection to account account1. If using leaf2 user, then the accepting server will bind to connection to account2.

If username/password (either singleton or multi-users) is defined, then the connecting server MUST provide the proper credentials otherwise the connection will be rejected.

If no username/password is provided, it is still possible to provide the account the connection should be associated with:

leafnodes {
  port: ...
  authorization {
    account: TheAccount

With the above, a connection without credentials will be bound to the account "TheAccount".

If other form of credentials are used (jwt, nkey or other), then the server will attempt to authenticate and if successful associate to the account for that specific user. If the user authentication fails (wrong password, no such user, etc..) the connection will be also rejected.

LeafNode remotes Entry Block

Property Description
url Leafnode URL (URL protocol should be nats-leaf).
urls Leafnode URL array. Supports multiple URLs for discovery, e.g., urls: [ "nats-leaf://host1:7422", "nats-leaf://host2:7422" ]
account Account public key identifying the leafnode. Account must be defined locally.
credentials Credential file for connecting to the leafnode server.
tls A TLS configuration block. Leafnode client will use specified TLS certificates when connecting/authenticating.

tls Configuration Block

Property Description
cert_file TLS certificate file.
key_file TLS certificate key file.
ca_file TLS certificate authority file.
insecure Skip certificate verification.
verify If true, require and verify client certificates.
verify_and_map If true, require and verify client certificates and use values map certificate values for authentication purposes.
cipher_suites When set, only the specified TLS cipher suites will be allowed. Values must match golang version used to build the server.
curve_preferences List of TLS cypher curves to use in order.
timeout TLS handshake timeout in fractional seconds.

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