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Queue Subscriptions in NATS Streaming

Queue subscriptions are created like other subscriptions with the addition of a queue name.

qsub1, _ := sc.QueueSubscribe(channelName,
    queueName, func(m *stan.Msg) {...})

qsub2, _ := sc.QueueSubscribe(channelName,
    queueName, func(m *stan.Msg) {...})

Multiple subscriptions using the same channel and queue name are members of the same queue group. That means that if a message is published on that channel, only one member of the group receives the message. Other subscriptions receive messages independently of the queue groups, that is, a message is delivered to all subscriptions and one member of each queue group.

To create a durable queue subscription, simply add a durable name:

qsub, err := sc.QueueSubscribe(channelName,
    queueName, func(m *stan.Msg) {...},

Subscriptions options apply to each member independently, notably, the AckWait and MaxInflight. Those two members of the same queue group use different options for redelivery and max inflight.

qsub1, _ := sc.QueueSubscribe(channelName,
    queueName, func(m *stan.Msg) {...},

qsub2, _ := sc.QueueSubscribe(channelName,
    queueName, func(m *stan.Msg) {...},

If the queue subscription is durable, only the last member calling Unsubscribe() will cause the durable queue group to be removed from the server.

Check the concepts section for more information.

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