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NATS implements a publish-subscribe message distribution model for one-to-many communication. A publisher sends a message on a subject and any active subscriber listening on that subject receives the message. Subscribers can also register interest in wildcard subjects that work a bit like a regular expression (but only a bit). This one-to-many pattern is sometimes called fan-out.

digraph nats_pub_sub { rankdir=LR publisher [shape=box, style="rounded", label="Publisher"]; subject [shape=circle, label="Subject"]; sub1 [shape=box, style="rounded", label="Subscriber"]; sub2 [shape=box, style="rounded", label="Subscriber"]; sub3 [shape=box, style="rounded", label="Subscriber"]; publisher -> subject [label="msg1"]; subject -> sub1 [label="msg1"]; subject -> sub2 [label="msg1"]; subject -> sub3 [label="msg1"]; }

Try NATS publish subscribe on your own, using a live server by walking through the pub-sub tutorial.

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