Class NatsHeaders
Represents a wrapper for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders.
public class NatsHeaders : IDictionary<string, StringValues>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, StringValues>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, StringValues>>, IEnumerable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- NatsHeaders()
Initializes a new instance of NatsHeaders.
- NatsHeaders(Dictionary<string, StringValues>?)
Initializes a new instance of NatsHeaders.
- NatsHeaders(int)
Initializes a new instance of NatsHeaders.
- Count
Gets the number of elements contained in the NatsHeaders;.
- IsReadOnly
Gets a value that indicates whether the NatsHeaders is in read-only mode.
- this[string]
Get or sets the associated value from the collection as a single string.
- Keys
Gets the collection of HTTP header names in this instance.
- Values
Gets the collection of HTTP header values in this instance.
- Add(KeyValuePair<string, StringValues>)
Adds a new header item to the collection.
- Add(string, StringValues)
Adds the given header and values to the collection.
- Clear()
Clears the entire list of objects.
- Contains(KeyValuePair<string, StringValues>)
Returns a value indicating whether the specified object occurs within this collection.
- ContainsKey(string)
Determines whether the NatsHeaders contains a specific key.
- CopyTo(KeyValuePair<string, StringValues>[], int)
Copies the NatsHeaders elements to a one-dimensional Array instance at the specified index.
- GetEnumerator()
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- Remove(KeyValuePair<string, StringValues>)
Removes the given item from the the collection.
- Remove(string)
Removes the given header from the collection.
- TryGetLastValue(string, out string?)
Retrieves a last value from the dictionary.
- TryGetValue(string, out StringValues)
Retrieves a value from the dictionary.