Namespace NATS.Client.Core
- NKeyPair
Partial implementation of the NATS Ed25519 KeyPair. This is not complete, but provides enough functionality to implement the client side NATS 2.0 security scheme.
- NKeys
NKeys is a class provided to manipulate NKeys and generate NKeyPairs.
- NatsBufferWriter<T>
Represents a heap-based, array-backed output sink into which
data can be written.
- NatsDefaultSerializer<T>
Default serializer for NATS messages.
- NatsHeaders
Represents a wrapper for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders.
- NatsJsonContextSerializer<T>
Serializer with support for JsonSerializerContext.
- NatsOpts
Immutable options for NatsConnection, you can configure via
- NatsRawSerializer<T>
Serializer for binary data.
- NatsSerializerBuilder<T>
Represents a builder for creating a chain of serializers for NATS messages.
- NatsSubBase
The base class for NATS subscriptions.
- NatsSubChannelOpts
Options For setting the FullMode and Capacity for a the Channel created for Subscriptions
- NatsTlsOpts
Immutable options for TlsOptions, you can configure via
operator. These options are ignored in WebSocket connections
- NatsUtf8PrimitivesSerializer<T>
UTF8 serializer for strings and all the primitives.
- NatsWebSocketOpts
Options for ClientWebSocketOptions
- Nuid
Represents a unique identifier generator.
- NatsHeaders.Enumerator
Enumerates a NatsHeaders.
- NatsMemoryOwner<T>
An IMemoryOwner<T> implementation with an embedded length and a fast Span<T> accessor.
- NatsMsg<T>
NATS message structure as defined by the protocol.
- INatsDeserialize<T>
Deserializer interface for NATS messages.
- INatsMsg<T>
This interface provides an optional contract when passing messages to processing methods which is usually helpful in creating test doubles in unit testing.
- INatsSerialize<T>
Serializer interface for NATS messages.
- INatsSerializer<T>
Serializer interface for NATS messages.
- INatsSubscriptionManager
Subscription manager interface.
- NatsMemoryOwnerAllocationMode
An enum that indicates a mode to use when allocating buffers.
- TlsMode
TLS mode to use during connection.
- AsyncEventHandler
An asynchronous event handler.
- AsyncEventHandler<TEventArgs>
An asynchronous event handler.