Interface ObjectStore

interface ObjectStore {
    delete(name): Promise<PurgeResponse>;
    destroy(): Promise<boolean>;
    get(name): Promise<ObjectResult>;
    getBlob(name): Promise<Uint8Array>;
    info(name): Promise<ObjectInfo>;
    link(name, meta): Promise<ObjectInfo>;
    linkStore(name, bucket): Promise<ObjectInfo>;
    list(): Promise<ObjectInfo[]>;
    put(meta, rs, opts?): Promise<ObjectInfo>;
    putBlob(meta, data, opts?): Promise<ObjectInfo>;
    seal(): Promise<ObjectStoreStatus>;
    status(opts?): Promise<ObjectStoreStatus>;
    update(name, meta): Promise<PubAck>;
    watch(opts?): Promise<QueuedIterator<ObjectInfo>>;


  • Deletes the specified entry from the object store.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<PurgeResponse>

  • Destroys the object store and all its entries.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Returns an object you can use for reading the data from the named stored object or null if the entry doesn't exist.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<ObjectResult>

  • Returns the data stored for the named entry.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • Returns the ObjectInfo of the named entry. Or null if the entry doesn't exist.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<ObjectInfo>

  • Adds a link to another object in the same store or a different one. Note that links of links are rejected. object.


    Returns Promise<ObjectInfo>

  • Add a link to another object store


    Returns Promise<ObjectInfo>

  • Returns a list of the entries in the ObjectStore

    Returns Promise<ObjectInfo[]>

  • Adds an object to the store with the specified meta and using the specified ReadableStream to stream the data.


    Returns Promise<ObjectInfo>

  • Update the metadata for an object. If the name is modified, the object is effectively renamed and will only be accessible by its new name.


    Returns Promise<PubAck>

  • Watch an object store and receive updates of modifications via an iterator.


    • Optional opts: Partial<{
          ignoreDeletes?: boolean;
          includeHistory?: boolean;

    Returns Promise<QueuedIterator<ObjectInfo>>