NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | nats_OpenWithConfig (natsClientConfig *config) |
| Initializes the library.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | nats_Open (int64_t lockSpinCount) |
| Initializes the library.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | nats_GetVersion (void) |
| Returns the Library's version.
NATS_EXTERN uint32_t | nats_GetVersionNumber (void) |
| Returns the Library's version as a number.
NATS_EXTERN bool | nats_CheckCompatibility (void) |
| Check that the header is compatible with the library.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | nats_Now (void) |
| Gives the current time in milliseconds.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | nats_NowInNanoSeconds (void) |
| Gives the current time in nanoseconds.
NATS_EXTERN void | nats_Sleep (int64_t sleepTime) |
| Sleeps for a given number of milliseconds.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | nats_GetLastError (natsStatus *status) |
| Returns the calling thread's last known error.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | nats_GetLastErrorStack (char *buffer, size_t bufLen) |
| Returns the calling thread's last known error stack.
NATS_EXTERN void | nats_PrintLastErrorStack (FILE *file) |
| Prints the calling thread's last known error stack into the file.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | nats_SetMessageDeliveryPoolSize (int max) |
| Sets the maximum size of the global message delivery thread pool.
NATS_EXTERN void | nats_ReleaseThreadMemory (void) |
| Release thread-local memory possibly allocated by the library.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | nats_Sign (const char *encodedSeed, const char *input, unsigned char **signature, int *signatureLength) |
| Signs a given text using the provided private key.
NATS_EXTERN void | nats_Close (void) |
| Tear down the library.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | nats_CloseAndWait (int64_t timeout) |
| Tear down the library and wait for all resources to be released.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | natsStatus_GetText (natsStatus s) |
| Get the text corresponding to a natsStatus.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsStatistics_Create (natsStatistics **newStats) |
| Creates a natsStatistics object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsStatistics_GetCounts (const natsStatistics *stats, uint64_t *inMsgs, uint64_t *inBytes, uint64_t *outMsgs, uint64_t *outBytes, uint64_t *reconnects) |
| Extracts the various statistics values.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsStatistics_Destroy (natsStatistics *stats) |
| Destroys the natsStatistics object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_Create (natsOptions **newOpts) |
| Creates a natsOptions object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetURL (natsOptions *opts, const char *url) |
| Sets the URL to connect to.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetServers (natsOptions *opts, const char **servers, int serversCount) |
| Set the list of servers to try to (re)connect to.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetUserInfo (natsOptions *opts, const char *user, const char *password) |
| Sets the user name/password to use when not specified in the URL.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetToken (natsOptions *opts, const char *token) |
| Sets the token to use when not specified in the URL.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetTokenHandler (natsOptions *opts, natsTokenHandler tokenCb, void *closure) |
| Sets the tokenCb to use whenever a token is needed.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetNoRandomize (natsOptions *opts, bool noRandomize) |
| Indicate if the servers list should be randomized.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetTimeout (natsOptions *opts, int64_t timeout) |
| Sets the (re)connect process timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetName (natsOptions *opts, const char *name) |
| Sets the name.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetSecure (natsOptions *opts, bool secure) |
| Sets the secure mode.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_TLSHandshakeFirst (natsOptions *opts) |
| Performs TLS handshake first.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_LoadCATrustedCertificates (natsOptions *opts, const char *fileName) |
| Loads the trusted CA certificates from a file.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetCATrustedCertificates (natsOptions *opts, const char *certificates) |
| Sets the trusted CA certificates from memory.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_LoadCertificatesChain (natsOptions *opts, const char *certsFileName, const char *keyFileName) |
| Loads the certificate chain from a file, using the given key.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetCertificatesChain (natsOptions *opts, const char *cert, const char *key) |
| Sets the client certificate and key.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetCiphers (natsOptions *opts, const char *ciphers) |
| Sets the list of available ciphers.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetCipherSuites (natsOptions *opts, const char *ciphers) |
| Sets the list of available ciphers for TLSv1.3.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetExpectedHostname (natsOptions *opts, const char *hostname) |
| Sets the server certificate's expected hostname.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SkipServerVerification (natsOptions *opts, bool skip) |
| Switch server certificate verification.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetSSLVerificationCallback (natsOptions *opts, SSL_verify_cb callback) |
| Sets the certificate validation callback.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetVerbose (natsOptions *opts, bool verbose) |
| Sets the verbose mode.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetPedantic (natsOptions *opts, bool pedantic) |
| Sets the pedantic mode.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetPingInterval (natsOptions *opts, int64_t interval) |
| Sets the ping interval.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetMaxPingsOut (natsOptions *opts, int maxPingsOut) |
| Sets the limit of outstanding PING s without corresponding PONG s.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetIOBufSize (natsOptions *opts, int ioBufSize) |
| Sets the size of the internal read/write buffers.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetAllowReconnect (natsOptions *opts, bool allow) |
| Indicates if the connection will be allowed to reconnect.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetMaxReconnect (natsOptions *opts, int maxReconnect) |
| Sets the maximum number of reconnect attempts.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetReconnectWait (natsOptions *opts, int64_t reconnectWait) |
| Sets the time between reconnect attempts.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetReconnectJitter (natsOptions *opts, int64_t jitter, int64_t jitterTLS) |
| Set the upper bound of a random delay added to reconnect wait.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetCustomReconnectDelay (natsOptions *opts, natsCustomReconnectDelayHandler cb, void *closure) |
| Sets the handler to invoke when the library needs to wait before the next reconnect attempts.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetReconnectBufSize (natsOptions *opts, int reconnectBufSize) |
| Sets the size of the backing buffer used during reconnect.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetMaxPendingMsgs (natsOptions *opts, int maxPending) |
| Sets the maximum number of pending messages per subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetMaxPendingBytes (natsOptions *opts, int64_t maxPending) |
| Sets the maximum number of pending bytes per subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetErrorHandler (natsOptions *opts, natsErrHandler errHandler, void *closure) |
| Sets the error handler for asynchronous events.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetClosedCB (natsOptions *opts, natsConnectionHandler closedCb, void *closure) |
| Sets the callback to be invoked when a connection to a server is permanently lost.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetDisconnectedCB (natsOptions *opts, natsConnectionHandler disconnectedCb, void *closure) |
| Sets the callback to be invoked when the connection to a server is lost.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetReconnectedCB (natsOptions *opts, natsConnectionHandler reconnectedCb, void *closure) |
| Sets the callback to be invoked when the connection has reconnected.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetDiscoveredServersCB (natsOptions *opts, natsConnectionHandler discoveredServersCb, void *closure) |
| Sets the callback to be invoked when new servers are discovered.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetIgnoreDiscoveredServers (natsOptions *opts, bool ignore) |
| Sets if the library should ignore or not discovered servers.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetLameDuckModeCB (natsOptions *opts, natsConnectionHandler lameDuckCb, void *closure) |
| Sets the callback to be invoked when server enters lame duck mode.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetEventLoop (natsOptions *opts, void *loop, natsEvLoop_Attach attachCb, natsEvLoop_ReadAddRemove readCb, natsEvLoop_WriteAddRemove writeCb, natsEvLoop_Detach detachCb) |
| Sets the external event loop and associated callbacks.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_UseGlobalMessageDelivery (natsOptions *opts, bool global) |
| Switch on/off the use of a central message delivery thread pool.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_IPResolutionOrder (natsOptions *opts, int order) |
| Dictates the order in which host name are resolved during connect.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetSendAsap (natsOptions *opts, bool sendAsap) |
| Sets if Publish calls should send data right away.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_UseOldRequestStyle (natsOptions *opts, bool useOldStyle) |
| Switches the use of old style requests.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetFailRequestsOnDisconnect (natsOptions *opts, bool failRequests) |
| Fails pending requests on disconnect event.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetNoEcho (natsOptions *opts, bool noEcho) |
| Sets if connection receives its own messages.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetRetryOnFailedConnect (natsOptions *opts, bool retry, natsConnectionHandler connectedCb, void *closure) |
| Indicates if initial connect failure should be retried or not.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsCallbacks (natsOptions *opts, natsUserJWTHandler ujwtCB, void *ujwtClosure, natsSignatureHandler sigCB, void *sigClosure) |
| Sets the callbacks to fetch user JWT and sign server's nonce.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsFromFiles (natsOptions *opts, const char *userOrChainedFile, const char *seedFile) |
| Sets the file(s) to use to fetch user JWT and seed required to sign nonce.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsFromMemory (natsOptions *opts, const char *jwtAndSeedContent) |
| Sets JWT handler and handler to sign nonce that uses seed.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetNKey (natsOptions *opts, const char *pubKey, natsSignatureHandler sigCB, void *sigClosure) |
| Sets the NKey public key and signature callback.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetNKeyFromSeed (natsOptions *opts, const char *pubKey, const char *seedFile) |
| Sets the NKey public key and its seed file.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetWriteDeadline (natsOptions *opts, int64_t deadline) |
| Sets the write deadline.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_DisableNoResponders (natsOptions *opts, bool disabled) |
| Enable/Disable the "no responders" feature.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetCustomInboxPrefix (natsOptions *opts, const char *inboxPrefix) |
| Sets a custom inbox prefix.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsOptions_SetMessageBufferPadding (natsOptions *opts, int paddingSize) |
| Sets a custom padding when allocating buffer for incoming messages.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsOptions_Destroy (natsOptions *opts) |
| Destroys a natsOptions object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_Create (stanConnOptions **newOpts) |
| Creates a stanConnOptions object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetURL (stanConnOptions *opts, const char *url) |
| Sets the URL to connect to.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetNATSOptions (stanConnOptions *opts, natsOptions *nOpts) |
| Sets the NATS Options to use to create the connection.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetConnectionWait (stanConnOptions *opts, int64_t wait) |
| Sets the timeout for establishing a connection.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetPubAckWait (stanConnOptions *opts, int64_t wait) |
| Sets the timeout for waiting for an ACK for a published message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetDiscoveryPrefix (stanConnOptions *opts, const char *prefix) |
| Sets the subject prefix the library sends the connect request to.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetMaxPubAcksInflight (stanConnOptions *opts, int maxPubAcksInflight, float percentage) |
| Sets the maximum number of published messages without outstanding ACKs from the server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetPings (stanConnOptions *opts, int interval, int maxOut) |
| Sets the ping interval and max out values.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnOptions_SetConnectionLostHandler (stanConnOptions *opts, stanConnectionLostHandler handler, void *closure) |
| Sets the connection lost handler.
NATS_EXTERN void | stanConnOptions_Destroy (stanConnOptions *opts) |
| Destroys a stanConnOptions object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_Create (stanSubOptions **newOpts) |
| Creates a stanSubOptions object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_SetDurableName (stanSubOptions *opts, const char *durableName) |
| Sets the Durable Name for this subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_SetAckWait (stanSubOptions *opts, int64_t wait) |
| Sets the timeout for waiting for an ACK from the cluster's point of view for delivered messages.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_SetMaxInflight (stanSubOptions *opts, int maxInflight) |
| Sets the the maximum number of messages the cluster will send without an ACK.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_StartAtSequence (stanSubOptions *opts, uint64_t seq) |
| Sets the desired start position based on the given sequence number.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_StartAtTime (stanSubOptions *opts, int64_t time) |
| Sets the desired start position based on the given time.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_StartAtTimeDelta (stanSubOptions *opts, int64_t delta) |
| Sets the desired start position based on the given delta.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_StartWithLastReceived (stanSubOptions *opts) |
| The subscription should start with the last message in the channel.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_DeliverAllAvailable (stanSubOptions *opts) |
| The subscription should start with the first message in the channel.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubOptions_SetManualAckMode (stanSubOptions *opts, bool manual) |
| Sets the subscription's acknowledgment mode.
NATS_EXTERN void | stanSubOptions_Destroy (stanSubOptions *opts) |
| Destroys a stanSubOptions object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsInbox_Create (natsInbox **newInbox) |
| Creates an inbox.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsInbox_Destroy (natsInbox *inbox) |
| Destroys the inbox.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsMsgList_Destroy (natsMsgList *list) |
| Destroys this list of messages.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_Create (natsMsg **newMsg, const char *subj, const char *reply, const char *data, int dataLen) |
| Creates a natsMsg object.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | natsMsg_GetSubject (const natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns the subject set in this message.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | natsMsg_GetReply (const natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns the reply set in this message.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | natsMsg_GetData (const natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message payload.
NATS_EXTERN int | natsMsg_GetDataLength (const natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message length.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsgHeader_Set (natsMsg *msg, const char *key, const char *value) |
| Set the header entries associated with key to the single element value .
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsgHeader_Add (natsMsg *msg, const char *key, const char *value) |
| Add value to the header associated with key .
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsgHeader_Get (natsMsg *msg, const char *key, const char **value) |
| Get the header entry associated with key .
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsgHeader_Values (natsMsg *msg, const char *key, const char ***values, int *count) |
| Get all header values associated with key .
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsgHeader_Keys (natsMsg *msg, const char ***keys, int *count) |
| Get all header keys.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsgHeader_Delete (natsMsg *msg, const char *key) |
| Delete the value(s) associated with key .
NATS_EXTERN bool | natsMsg_IsNoResponders (natsMsg *msg) |
| Indicates if this message is a "no responders" message from the server.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsMsg_Destroy (natsMsg *msg) |
| Destroys the message object.
NATS_EXTERN uint64_t | stanMsg_GetSequence (const stanMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message's sequence number.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | stanMsg_GetTimestamp (const stanMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message's timestamp.
NATS_EXTERN bool | stanMsg_IsRedelivered (const stanMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message's redelivered flag.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | stanMsg_GetData (const stanMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message payload.
NATS_EXTERN int | stanMsg_GetDataLength (const stanMsg *msg) |
| Returns the message length.
NATS_EXTERN void | stanMsg_Destroy (stanMsg *msg) |
| Destroys the message object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Connect (natsConnection **nc, natsOptions *options) |
| Connects to a NATS Server using the provided options.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Reconnect (natsConnection *nc) |
| Drops the current connection, reconnects including re-subscribing.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsConnection_ProcessReadEvent (natsConnection *nc) |
| Process a read event when using external event loop.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsConnection_ProcessCloseEvent (natsSock *socket) |
| Process a socket close event when using external event loop.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsConnection_ProcessWriteEvent (natsConnection *nc) |
| Process a write event when using external event loop.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_ConnectTo (natsConnection **nc, const char *urls) |
| Connects to a NATS Server using any of the URL from the given list.
NATS_EXTERN bool | natsConnection_IsClosed (natsConnection *nc) |
| Test if connection has been closed.
NATS_EXTERN bool | natsConnection_IsReconnecting (natsConnection *nc) |
| Test if connection is reconnecting.
NATS_EXTERN bool | natsConnection_IsDraining (natsConnection *nc) |
| Test if connection is draining.
NATS_EXTERN natsConnStatus | natsConnection_Status (natsConnection *nc) |
| Returns the current state of the connection.
NATS_EXTERN int | natsConnection_Buffered (natsConnection *nc) |
| Returns the number of bytes to be sent to the server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Flush (natsConnection *nc) |
| Flushes the connection.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_FlushTimeout (natsConnection *nc, int64_t timeout) |
| Flushes the connection with a given timeout.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | natsConnection_GetMaxPayload (natsConnection *nc) |
| Returns the maximum message payload.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetStats (natsConnection *nc, natsStatistics *stats) |
| Gets the connection statistics.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetConnectedUrl (natsConnection *nc, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize) |
| Gets the URL of the currently connected server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetConnectedServerId (natsConnection *nc, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize) |
| Gets the server Id.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetServers (natsConnection *nc, char ***servers, int *count) |
| Returns the list of server URLs known to this connection.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetDiscoveredServers (natsConnection *nc, char ***servers, int *count) |
| Returns the list of discovered server URLs.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetLastError (natsConnection *nc, const char **lastError) |
| Gets the last connection error.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_ReadLastError (natsConnection *nc, char *buf, size_t n) |
| Read the last connection error into a user provided buffer.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetClientID (natsConnection *nc, uint64_t *cid) |
| Gets the current client ID assigned by the server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Drain (natsConnection *nc) |
| Drains the connection with default timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_DrainTimeout (natsConnection *nc, int64_t timeout) |
| Drains the connection with given timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Sign (natsConnection *nc, const unsigned char *message, int messageLen, unsigned char sig[64]) |
| Signs any 'message' using the connection's user credentials.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetClientIP (natsConnection *nc, char **ip) |
| Returns the client's IP address as reported by the server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetRTT (natsConnection *nc, int64_t *rtt) |
| Returns the round trip time between this client and the server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_HasHeaderSupport (natsConnection *nc) |
| Returns if the connection to current server supports headers.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_GetLocalIPAndPort (natsConnection *nc, char **ip, int *port) |
| Returns the connection local IP and port.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsConnection_Close (natsConnection *nc) |
| Closes the connection.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsConnection_Destroy (natsConnection *nc) |
| Destroys the connection object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Publish (natsConnection *nc, const char *subj, const void *data, int dataLen) |
| Publishes data on a subject.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_PublishString (natsConnection *nc, const char *subj, const char *str) |
| Publishes a string on a subject.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_PublishMsg (natsConnection *nc, natsMsg *msg) |
| Publishes a message on a subject.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_PublishRequest (natsConnection *nc, const char *subj, const char *reply, const void *data, int dataLen) |
| Publishes data on a subject expecting replies on the given reply.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_PublishRequestString (natsConnection *nc, const char *subj, const char *reply, const char *str) |
| Publishes a string on a subject expecting replies on the given reply.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Request (natsMsg **replyMsg, natsConnection *nc, const char *subj, const void *data, int dataLen, int64_t timeout) |
| Sends a request and waits for a reply.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_RequestString (natsMsg **replyMsg, natsConnection *nc, const char *subj, const char *str, int64_t timeout) |
| Sends a request (as a string) and waits for a reply.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_RequestMsg (natsMsg **replyMsg, natsConnection *nc, natsMsg *requestMsg, int64_t timeout) |
| Sends a request based on the given requestMsg and waits for a reply.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_Subscribe (natsSubscription **sub, natsConnection *nc, const char *subject, natsMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure) |
| Creates an asynchronous subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_SubscribeTimeout (natsSubscription **sub, natsConnection *nc, const char *subject, int64_t timeout, natsMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure) |
| Creates an asynchronous subscription with a timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_SubscribeSync (natsSubscription **sub, natsConnection *nc, const char *subject) |
| Creates a synchronous subcription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_QueueSubscribe (natsSubscription **sub, natsConnection *nc, const char *subject, const char *queueGroup, natsMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure) |
| Creates an asynchronous queue subscriber.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_QueueSubscribeTimeout (natsSubscription **sub, natsConnection *nc, const char *subject, const char *queueGroup, int64_t timeout, natsMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure) |
| Creates an asynchronous queue subscriber with a timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_QueueSubscribeSync (natsSubscription **sub, natsConnection *nc, const char *subject, const char *queueGroup) |
| Creates a synchronous queue subscriber.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_NoDeliveryDelay (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Enables the No Delivery Delay mode.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_NextMsg (natsMsg **nextMsg, natsSubscription *sub, int64_t timeout) |
| Returns the next available message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_Unsubscribe (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Unsubscribes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_AutoUnsubscribe (natsSubscription *sub, int max) |
| Auto-Unsubscribes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_QueuedMsgs (natsSubscription *sub, uint64_t *queuedMsgs) |
| Gets the number of pending messages.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | natsSubscription_GetID (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Gets the subscription id.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | natsSubscription_GetSubject (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Gets the subject name.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_SetPendingLimits (natsSubscription *sub, int msgLimit, int bytesLimit) |
| Sets the limit for pending messages and bytes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetPendingLimits (natsSubscription *sub, int *msgLimit, int *bytesLimit) |
| Returns the current limit for pending messages and bytes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetPending (natsSubscription *sub, int *msgs, int *bytes) |
| Returns the number of pending messages and bytes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetDelivered (natsSubscription *sub, int64_t *msgs) |
| Returns the number of delivered messages.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetDropped (natsSubscription *sub, int64_t *msgs) |
| Returns the number of dropped messages.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetMaxPending (natsSubscription *sub, int *msgs, int *bytes) |
| Returns the maximum number of pending messages and bytes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_ClearMaxPending (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Clears the statistics regarding the maximum pending values.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetStats (natsSubscription *sub, int *pendingMsgs, int *pendingBytes, int *maxPendingMsgs, int *maxPendingBytes, int64_t *deliveredMsgs, int64_t *droppedMsgs) |
| Get various statistics from this subscription.
NATS_EXTERN bool | natsSubscription_IsValid (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Checks the validity of the subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_Drain (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Drains the subscription with a default timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_DrainTimeout (natsSubscription *sub, int64_t timeout) |
| Drains the subscription with the specified timeout.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_WaitForDrainCompletion (natsSubscription *sub, int64_t timeout) |
| Blocks until the drain operation completes.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_DrainCompletionStatus (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Returns the status of the drain after completion.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB (natsSubscription *sub, natsOnCompleteCB cb, void *closure) |
| Sets a completion callback.
NATS_EXTERN void | natsSubscription_Destroy (natsSubscription *sub) |
| Destroys the subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_Connect (stanConnection **sc, const char *clusterID, const char *clientID, stanConnOptions *options) |
| Connects to a NATS Streaming Server using the provided options.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_GetNATSConnection (stanConnection *sc, natsConnection **nc) |
| Returns the underlying NATS Connection.
NATS_EXTERN void | stanConnection_ReleaseNATSConnection (stanConnection *sc) |
| Releases the NATS Connection.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_Close (stanConnection *sc) |
| Closes the connection.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_Destroy (stanConnection *sc) |
| Destroys the connection object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_Publish (stanConnection *sc, const char *channel, const void *data, int dataLen) |
| Publishes data on a channel.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_PublishAsync (stanConnection *sc, const char *channel, const void *data, int dataLen, stanPubAckHandler ah, void *ahClosure) |
| Asynchronously publishes data on a channel.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_Subscribe (stanSubscription **sub, stanConnection *sc, const char *channel, stanMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure, stanSubOptions *options) |
| Creates a subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanConnection_QueueSubscribe (stanSubscription **sub, stanConnection *sc, const char *channel, const char *queueGroup, stanMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure, stanSubOptions *options) |
| Creates a queue subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB (stanSubscription *sub, natsOnCompleteCB cb, void *closure) |
| Sets a completion callback.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubscription_AckMsg (stanSubscription *sub, stanMsg *msg) |
| Acknowledge a message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubscription_Unsubscribe (stanSubscription *sub) |
| Permanently remove a subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | stanSubscription_Close (stanSubscription *sub) |
| Closes the subscription.
NATS_EXTERN void | stanSubscription_Destroy (stanSubscription *sub) |
| Destroys the subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsOptions_Init (jsOptions *opts) |
| Initializes a streaming context options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsConnection_JetStream (jsCtx **js, natsConnection *nc, jsOptions *opts) |
| Returns a new JetStream context.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsCtx_Destroy (jsCtx *js) |
| Destroys the JetStream context.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsStreamConfig_Init (jsStreamConfig *cfg) |
| Initializes a streaming configuration structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsPlacement_Init (jsPlacement *placement) |
| Initializes a placement configuration structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsStreamSource_Init (jsStreamSource *source) |
| Initializes a stream source configuration structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsExternalStream_Init (jsExternalStream *external) |
| Initializes an external stream configuration structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsRePublish_Init (jsRePublish *rp) |
| Initializes a republish structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_AddStream (jsStreamInfo **si, jsCtx *js, jsStreamConfig *cfg, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Creates a stream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_UpdateStream (jsStreamInfo **si, jsCtx *js, jsStreamConfig *cfg, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Updates a stream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PurgeStream (jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Purges a stream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_DeleteStream (jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Deletes a stream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_GetMsg (natsMsg **msg, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, uint64_t seq, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves a JetStream message from the stream by sequence.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_GetLastMsg (natsMsg **msg, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, const char *subject, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves the last JetStream message from the stream for a given subject.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsDirectGetMsgOptions_Init (jsDirectGetMsgOptions *opts) |
| Initializes a direct get message options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_DirectGetMsg (natsMsg **msg, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsOptions *opts, jsDirectGetMsgOptions *dgOpts) |
| Retrieves directly a JetStream message based on provided options.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_DeleteMsg (jsCtx *js, const char *stream, uint64_t seq, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Deletes a message from the stream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_EraseMsg (jsCtx *js, const char *stream, uint64_t seq, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Erases a message from the stream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_GetStreamInfo (jsStreamInfo **si, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retreives information from a stream.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsStreamInfo_Destroy (jsStreamInfo *si) |
| Destroys the stream information object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_Streams (jsStreamInfoList **list, jsCtx *js, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves the list of all available streams.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsStreamInfoList_Destroy (jsStreamInfoList *list) |
| Destroys the stream information list object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_StreamNames (jsStreamNamesList **list, jsCtx *js, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves the list of all available stream names.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsStreamNamesList_Destroy (jsStreamNamesList *list) |
| Destroys the stream names list object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsConsumerConfig_Init (jsConsumerConfig *cc) |
| Initializes a consumer configuration structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_AddConsumer (jsConsumerInfo **ci, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsConsumerConfig *cfg, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Adds a JetStream consumer.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_UpdateConsumer (jsConsumerInfo **ci, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsConsumerConfig *cfg, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Updates a JetStream consumer.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_GetConsumerInfo (jsConsumerInfo **ci, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, const char *consumer, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves information about a consumer.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_DeleteConsumer (jsCtx *js, const char *stream, const char *consumer, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Deletes a consumer.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PauseConsumer (jsConsumerPauseResponse **new_cpr, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, const char *consumer, uint64_t pauseUntil, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Pauses a consumer.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsConsumerPauseResponse_Destroy (jsConsumerPauseResponse *cpr) |
| Destroys the PauseConsumer response object.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsConsumerInfo_Destroy (jsConsumerInfo *ci) |
| Destroys the consumer information object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_Consumers (jsConsumerInfoList **list, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves the list of all available consumers for a stream.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsConsumerInfoList_Destroy (jsConsumerInfoList *list) |
| Destroys the consumer information list object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_ConsumerNames (jsConsumerNamesList **list, jsCtx *js, const char *stream, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves the list of all available consumer names for a stream.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsConsumerNamesList_Destroy (jsConsumerNamesList *list) |
| Destroys the consumer names list object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_GetAccountInfo (jsAccountInfo **ai, jsCtx *js, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Retrieves information about the JetStream usage from an account.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsAccountInfo_Destroy (jsAccountInfo *ai) |
| Destroys the account information object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsPubOptions_Init (jsPubOptions *opts) |
| Initializes a publish options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_Publish (jsPubAck **pubAck, jsCtx *js, const char *subj, const void *data, int dataLen, jsPubOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Publishes data on a subject to JetStream.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PublishMsg (jsPubAck **pubAck, jsCtx *js, natsMsg *msg, jsPubOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Publishes a message to JetStream.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsPubAck_Destroy (jsPubAck *pubAck) |
| Destroys the publish acknowledgment object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PublishAsync (jsCtx *js, const char *subj, const void *data, int dataLen, jsPubOptions *opts) |
| Publishes data to JetStream but does not wait for a jsPubAck.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PublishMsgAsync (jsCtx *js, natsMsg **msg, jsPubOptions *opts) |
| Publishes a message to JetStream but does not wait for a jsPubAck.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PublishAsyncComplete (jsCtx *js, jsPubOptions *opts) |
| Wait for all outstanding messages to be acknowledged.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PublishAsyncGetPendingList (natsMsgList *pending, jsCtx *js) |
| Returns the list of pending messages published asynchronously.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsSubOptions_Init (jsSubOptions *opts) |
| Initializes a subscribe options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_Subscribe (natsSubscription **sub, jsCtx *js, const char *subject, natsMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure, jsOptions *opts, jsSubOptions *subOpts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Create an asynchronous subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_SubscribeMulti (natsSubscription **sub, jsCtx *js, const char **subjects, int numSubjects, natsMsgHandler cb, void *cbClosure, jsOptions *opts, jsSubOptions *subOpts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Create an asynchronous subscription to multiple subjects.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_SubscribeSync (natsSubscription **sub, jsCtx *js, const char *subject, jsOptions *opts, jsSubOptions *subOpts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Create a synchronous subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_SubscribeSyncMulti (natsSubscription **sub, jsCtx *js, const char **subjects, int numSubjects, jsOptions *opts, jsSubOptions *subOpts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Create an asynchronous subscription to multiple subjects.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PullSubscribe (natsSubscription **sub, jsCtx *js, const char *subject, const char *durable, jsOptions *opts, jsSubOptions *subOpts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Create a pull subscriber.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_Fetch (natsMsgList *list, natsSubscription *sub, int batch, int64_t timeout, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Fetches messages for a pull subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | jsFetchRequest_Init (jsFetchRequest *request) |
| Initializes a fetch request options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_PullSubscribeAsync (natsSubscription **newsub, jsCtx *js, const char *subject, const char *durable, natsMsgHandler msgCB, void *msgCBClosure, jsOptions *jsOpts, jsSubOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Starts a Pull based JetStream subscription, and delivers messages to a user callback asynchronously.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_FetchRequest (natsMsgList *list, natsSubscription *sub, jsFetchRequest *request) |
| Fetches messages for a pull subscription with a complete request configuration.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetConsumerInfo (jsConsumerInfo **ci, natsSubscription *sub, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Returns the jsConsumerInfo associated with this subscription.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsSubscription_GetSequenceMismatch (jsConsumerSequenceMismatch *csm, natsSubscription *sub) |
| Returns the consumer sequence mismatch information.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_GetMetaData (jsMsgMetaData **new_meta, natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns metadata from this JetStream message.
NATS_EXTERN void | jsMsgMetaData_Destroy (jsMsgMetaData *meta) |
| Destroys the message metadata object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_Ack (natsMsg *msg, jsOptions *opts) |
| Acknowledges a message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_AckSync (natsMsg *msg, jsOptions *opts, jsErrCode *errCode) |
| Acknowledges a message and wait for a confirmation.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_Nak (natsMsg *msg, jsOptions *opts) |
| Negatively acknowledges a message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_NakWithDelay (natsMsg *msg, int64_t delay, jsOptions *opts) |
| Negatively acknowledges a message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_InProgress (natsMsg *msg, jsOptions *opts) |
| Resets redelivery timer on the server.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | natsMsg_Term (natsMsg *msg, jsOptions *opts) |
| Abandon this message.
NATS_EXTERN uint64_t | natsMsg_GetSequence (natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns the sequence number of this JetStream message.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | natsMsg_GetTime (natsMsg *msg) |
| Returns the timestamp (in UTC) of this JetStream message.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvConfig_Init (kvConfig *cfg) |
| Initializes a KeyValue configuration structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_CreateKeyValue (kvStore **new_kv, jsCtx *js, kvConfig *cfg) |
| Creates a KeyValue store with a given configuration.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_KeyValue (kvStore **new_kv, jsCtx *js, const char *bucket) |
| Looks-up and binds to an existing KeyValue store.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | js_DeleteKeyValue (jsCtx *js, const char *bucket) |
| Deletes a KeyValue store.
NATS_EXTERN void | kvStore_Destroy (kvStore *kv) |
| Destroys a KeyValue store object.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | kvEntry_Bucket (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the name of the bucket the data was loaded from.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | kvEntry_Key (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the name of the key that was retrieved.
NATS_EXTERN const void * | kvEntry_Value (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the value for this key.
NATS_EXTERN int | kvEntry_ValueLen (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the value length for this key.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | kvEntry_ValueString (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the value, as a string, for this key.
NATS_EXTERN uint64_t | kvEntry_Revision (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the unique sequence for this value.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | kvEntry_Created (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the time (in UTC) the data was put in the bucket.
NATS_EXTERN uint64_t | kvEntry_Delta (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the distance from the latest value.
NATS_EXTERN kvOperation | kvEntry_Operation (kvEntry *e) |
| Returns the type of operation of this value.
NATS_EXTERN void | kvEntry_Destroy (kvEntry *e) |
| Destroys the KeyValue entry object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Get (kvEntry **new_entry, kvStore *kv, const char *key) |
| Returns the latest entry for the key.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_GetRevision (kvEntry **new_entry, kvStore *kv, const char *key, uint64_t revision) |
| Returns the entry at the specific revision for the key.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Put (uint64_t *rev, kvStore *kv, const char *key, const void *data, int len) |
| Places the new value for the key into the store.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_PutString (uint64_t *rev, kvStore *kv, const char *key, const char *data) |
| Places the new value (as a string) for the key into the store.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Create (uint64_t *rev, kvStore *kv, const char *key, const void *data, int len) |
| Places the value for the key into the store if and only if the key does not exist.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_CreateString (uint64_t *rev, kvStore *kv, const char *key, const char *data) |
| Places the value (as a string) for the key into the store if and only if the key does not exist.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Update (uint64_t *rev, kvStore *kv, const char *key, const void *data, int len, uint64_t last) |
| Updates the value for the key into the store if and only if the latest revision matches.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_UpdateString (uint64_t *rev, kvStore *kv, const char *key, const char *data, uint64_t last) |
| Updates the value (as a string) for the key into the store if and only if the latest revision matches.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Delete (kvStore *kv, const char *key) |
| Deletes a key by placing a delete marker and leaving all revisions.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Purge (kvStore *kv, const char *key, kvPurgeOptions *opts) |
| Deletes a key by placing a purge marker and removing all revisions.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvWatchOptions_Init (kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Initializes a KeyValue watcher options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvPurgeOptions_Init (kvPurgeOptions *opts) |
| Initializes a KeyValue purge options structure.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_PurgeDeletes (kvStore *kv, kvPurgeOptions *opts) |
| Purge and removes delete markers.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Watch (kvWatcher **new_watcher, kvStore *kv, const char *keys, kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Returns a watcher for any updates to keys that match the keys argument.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_WatchMulti (kvWatcher **new_watcher, kvStore *kv, const char **keys, int numKeys, kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Returns a watcher for any updates to keys that match one of the keys argument.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_WatchAll (kvWatcher **new_watcher, kvStore *kv, kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Returns a watcher for any updates to any keys of the KeyValue store bucket.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Keys (kvKeysList *list, kvStore *kv, kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Returns all keys in the bucket.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_KeysWithFilters (kvKeysList *list, kvStore *kv, const char **filters, int numFilters, kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Returns all keys in the bucket which matches the list of subject like filters.
NATS_EXTERN void | kvKeysList_Destroy (kvKeysList *list) |
| Destroys this list of KeyValue store key strings.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_History (kvEntryList *list, kvStore *kv, const char *key, kvWatchOptions *opts) |
| Returns all historical entries for the key.
NATS_EXTERN void | kvEntryList_Destroy (kvEntryList *list) |
| Destroys this list of KeyValue store entries.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | kvStore_Bucket (kvStore *kv) |
| Returns the bucket name of this KeyValue store object.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvStore_Status (kvStatus **new_status, kvStore *kv) |
| Returns the status and configuration of a bucket.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvWatcher_Next (kvEntry **new_entry, kvWatcher *w, int64_t timeout) |
| Returns the next entry for this watcher.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | kvWatcher_Stop (kvWatcher *w) |
| Stops the watcher.
NATS_EXTERN void | kvWatcher_Destroy (kvWatcher *w) |
| Destroys the KeyValue watcher object.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | kvStatus_Bucket (kvStatus *sts) |
| Returns the bucket name.
NATS_EXTERN uint64_t | kvStatus_Values (kvStatus *sts) |
| Returns how many messages are in the bucket, including historical values.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | kvStatus_History (kvStatus *sts) |
| Returns the configured history kept per key.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | kvStatus_TTL (kvStatus *sts) |
| Returns how long the bucket keeps values for.
NATS_EXTERN int64_t | kvStatus_Replicas (kvStatus *sts) |
| Returns the number of replicas to keep for a bucket.
NATS_EXTERN uint64_t | kvStatus_Bytes (kvStatus *sts) |
| Returns the size (in bytes) of this bucket.
NATS_EXTERN void | kvStatus_Destroy (kvStatus *sts) |
| Destroys the KeyValue status object.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | micro_AddService (microService **new_microservice, natsConnection *nc, microServiceConfig *config) |
| Creates and starts a new microservice.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_AddEndpoint (microService *m, microEndpointConfig *config) |
| Adds an endpoint to a microservice and starts listening for messages.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_AddGroup (microGroup **new_group, microService *m, microGroupConfig *config) |
| Adds an group (prefix) to a microservice.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_Destroy (microService *m) |
| Destroys a microservice, stopping it first if needed.
NATS_EXTERN natsConnection * | microService_GetConnection (microService *m) |
| Returns the connection associated with the service. If the service was successfully started, it is safe to assume it's not NULL, however it may already have been disconnected or closed.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_GetInfo (microServiceInfo **new_info, microService *m) |
| Returns a microServiceInfo for a microservice.
NATS_EXTERN void * | microService_GetState (microService *m) |
| Returns the pointer to state data (closure). It is originally provided in microServiceConfig.State.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_GetStats (microServiceStats **new_stats, microService *m) |
| Returns run-time statistics for a microservice.
NATS_EXTERN bool | microService_IsStopped (microService *m) |
| Checks if the service is stopped.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_Run (microService *m) |
| Waits for a microservice to stop.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microService_Stop (microService *m) |
| Stops a running microservice.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microGroup_AddGroup (microGroup **new_group, microGroup *parent, microGroupConfig *config) |
| Adds a sub-group to microGroup.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microGroup_AddEndpoint (microGroup *g, microEndpointConfig *config) |
| Adds an endpoint to a microGroup and starts listening for messages.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_AddHeader (microRequest *req, const char *key, const char *value) |
| Adds a header to the underlying NATS request message.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_DeleteHeader (microRequest *req, const char *key) |
| Deletes a header from the underlying NATS request message.
NATS_EXTERN natsConnection * | microRequest_GetConnection (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the connection associated with the request.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | microRequest_GetData (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the data in the the request, as a byte array.
NATS_EXTERN int | microRequest_GetDataLength (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the number of data bytes in the the request.
NATS_EXTERN void * | microRequest_GetEndpointState (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the pointer to the user-provided endpoint state, if the request is associated with an endpoint.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_GetHeaderKeys (microRequest *req, const char ***keys, int *count) |
| Gets the list of all header keys in the NATS message underlying the request.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_GetHeaderValue (microRequest *req, const char *key, const char **value) |
| Get the header entry associated with key from the NATS message underlying the request.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_GetHeaderValues (microRequest *req, const char *key, const char ***values, int *count) |
| Get all header values associated with key from the NATS message underlying the request.
NATS_EXTERN natsMsg * | microRequest_GetMsg (microRequest *req) |
| Get the NATS message underlying the request.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | microRequest_GetReply (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the reply subject set in this message.
NATS_EXTERN microService * | microRequest_GetService (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the pointer to the microservice associated with the request.
NATS_EXTERN void * | microRequest_GetServiceState (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the pointer to the user-provided service state.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | microRequest_GetSubject (microRequest *req) |
| Returns the subject of the request message.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_Respond (microRequest *req, const char *data, size_t len) |
| Respond to a request, on the same NATS connection.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_RespondError (microRequest *req, microError *err) |
| Respond to a request with a simple error.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_RespondCustom (microRequest *req, microError *err, const char *data, size_t len) |
| Respond to a message, with an OK or an error.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microRequest_SetHeader (microRequest *req, const char *key, const char *value) |
| Add value to the header associated with key in the NATS message underlying the request.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | micro_Errorf (const char *format,...) |
| creates a new microError, with a printf-like formatted message.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | micro_ErrorfCode (int code, const char *format,...) |
| creates a new microError, with a code and a printf-like formatted message.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | micro_ErrorFromStatus (natsStatus s) |
| Wraps a NATS status into a microError, if not a NATS_OK.
NATS_EXTERN int | microError_Code (microError *err) |
| returns the int code of the error.
NATS_EXTERN void | microError_Destroy (microError *err) |
| destroys a microError.
NATS_EXTERN natsStatus | microError_Status (microError *err) |
| Returns the NATS status associated with the error.
NATS_EXTERN const char * | microError_String (microError *err, char *buf, size_t len) |
| Returns a printable string with the error message.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microError_Wrapf (microError *err, const char *format,...) |
| Wraps an exising microError with a higher printf-like formatted message.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | micro_NewClient (microClient **new_client, natsConnection *nc, microClientConfig *cfg) |
| Creates a new microservice client.
NATS_EXTERN void | microClient_Destroy (microClient *client) |
| Destroys a microservice client.
NATS_EXTERN microError * | microClient_DoRequest (natsMsg **reply, microClient *client, const char *subject, const char *data, int data_len) |
| Sends a request to a microservice and receives the response.
NATS_EXTERN void | microServiceInfo_Destroy (microServiceInfo *info) |
| Destroys a microServiceInfo object.
NATS_EXTERN void | microServiceStats_Destroy (microServiceStats *stats) |
| Destroys a microServiceStats object.