NATS C Client with JetStream and Streaming support  3.9.1
The C Client, Supported by Synadia Communications Inc.
jsStreamConfig Struct Reference

#include <nats.h>

Public Attributes

const char * Name
const char * Description
const char ** Subjects
int SubjectsLen
jsRetentionPolicy Retention
int64_t MaxConsumers
int64_t MaxMsgs
int64_t MaxBytes
int64_t MaxAge
int64_t MaxMsgsPerSubject
int32_t MaxMsgSize
jsDiscardPolicy Discard
jsStorageType Storage
int64_t Replicas
bool NoAck
const char * Template
int64_t Duplicates
jsStreamSource ** Sources
int SourcesLen
bool Sealed
 Seal a stream so no messages can get our or in. More...
bool DenyDelete
 Restrict the ability to delete messages. More...
bool DenyPurge
 Restrict the ability to purge messages. More...
bool AllowRollup
 Allow messages to be placed into the system and purge all older messages using a special message header. More...
 Allow republish of the message after being sequenced and stored. More...
bool AllowDirect
 Allow higher performance, direct access to get individual messages. E.g. KeyValue. More...
bool MirrorDirect
 Allow higher performance and unified direct access for mirrors as well. More...
bool DiscardNewPerSubject
 Allow KV like semantics to also discard new on a per subject basis. More...
natsMetadata Metadata
 A user-provided array of key/value pairs, encoded as a string array [n1, v1, n2, v2, ...] representing key/value pairs {n1:v1, n2:v2, ...}. More...
jsStorageCompression Compression
 js_StorageCompressionNone (default) or js_StorageCompressionS2. More...
uint64_t FirstSeq
 the starting sequence number for the stream. More...
jsSubjectTransformConfig SubjectTransform
 Applies a subject transform (to matching messages) before doing anything else when a new message is received. More...
jsStreamConsumerLimits ConsumerLimits
 Sets the limits on certain options on all consumers of the stream. More...

Detailed Description

Configuration of a JetStream stream.

There are sensible defaults for most. If no subjects are given the name will be used as the only subject.

In order to add/update a stream, a configuration needs to be set. The typical usage would be to initialize all required objects on the stack and configure them, then pass the pointer to the configuration to js_AddStream or js_UpdateStream.

The strings are applications owned and will not be freed by the library.
NATS server 2.10 added user-provided Metadata, storage Compression type, FirstSeq to specify the starting sequence number, and SubjectTransform.
See also
jsStreamConfig sc;
jsPlacement p;
jsStreamSource m;
jsExternalStream esm;
jsStreamSource s1;
jsStreamSource s2;
jsExternalStream esmS2;
const char *subjects[] = {"foo", "bar"};
const char *tags[] = {"tag1", "tag2"};
jsStreamSource *sources[] = {&s1, &s2};
jsRePublish rp;
p.Cluster = "MyCluster";
p.Tags = tags;
p.TagsLen = 2;
m.Name = "AStream";
m.OptStartSeq = 100;
m.FilterSubject = "foo";
esm.APIPrefix = "mirror.prefix.";
esm.DeliverPrefix = "deliver.prefix.";
m.External = &esm;
s1.Name = "StreamOne";
s1.OptStartSeq = 10;
s1.FilterSubject = "";
s2.Name = "StreamTwo";
s2.FilterSubject = "stream.two";
esmS2.APIPrefix = "mirror.prefix.";
esmS2.DeliverPrefix = "deliver.prefix.";
s2.External = &esmS2;
sc.Name = "MyStream";
sc.Subjects = subjects;
sc.SubjectsLen = 2;
sc.Retention = js_InterestPolicy;
sc.Replicas = 3;
sc.Placement = &p;
sc.Mirror = &m;
sc.Sources = sources;
sc.SourcesLen = 2;
// For RePublish subject:
rp.Source = ">";
rp.Destination = "RP.>";
sc.RePublish = &rp;
s = js_AddStream(&si, js, &sc, NULL, &jerr);

Member Data Documentation

◆ Name

const char* jsStreamConfig::Name

◆ Description

const char* jsStreamConfig::Description

◆ Subjects

const char** jsStreamConfig::Subjects

◆ SubjectsLen

int jsStreamConfig::SubjectsLen

◆ Retention

jsRetentionPolicy jsStreamConfig::Retention

◆ MaxConsumers

int64_t jsStreamConfig::MaxConsumers

◆ MaxMsgs

int64_t jsStreamConfig::MaxMsgs

◆ MaxBytes

int64_t jsStreamConfig::MaxBytes

◆ MaxAge

int64_t jsStreamConfig::MaxAge

◆ MaxMsgsPerSubject

int64_t jsStreamConfig::MaxMsgsPerSubject

◆ MaxMsgSize

int32_t jsStreamConfig::MaxMsgSize

◆ Discard

jsDiscardPolicy jsStreamConfig::Discard

◆ Storage

jsStorageType jsStreamConfig::Storage

◆ Replicas

int64_t jsStreamConfig::Replicas

◆ NoAck

bool jsStreamConfig::NoAck

◆ Template

const char* jsStreamConfig::Template

◆ Duplicates

int64_t jsStreamConfig::Duplicates

◆ Placement

jsPlacement* jsStreamConfig::Placement

◆ Mirror

jsStreamSource* jsStreamConfig::Mirror

◆ Sources

jsStreamSource** jsStreamConfig::Sources

◆ SourcesLen

int jsStreamConfig::SourcesLen

◆ Sealed

bool jsStreamConfig::Sealed

◆ DenyDelete

bool jsStreamConfig::DenyDelete

◆ DenyPurge

bool jsStreamConfig::DenyPurge

◆ AllowRollup

bool jsStreamConfig::AllowRollup

◆ RePublish

jsRePublish* jsStreamConfig::RePublish

◆ AllowDirect

bool jsStreamConfig::AllowDirect

◆ MirrorDirect

bool jsStreamConfig::MirrorDirect

◆ DiscardNewPerSubject

bool jsStreamConfig::DiscardNewPerSubject

◆ Metadata

natsMetadata jsStreamConfig::Metadata

◆ Compression

jsStorageCompression jsStreamConfig::Compression

◆ FirstSeq

uint64_t jsStreamConfig::FirstSeq

◆ SubjectTransform

jsSubjectTransformConfig jsStreamConfig::SubjectTransform

◆ ConsumerLimits

jsStreamConsumerLimits jsStreamConfig::ConsumerLimits

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: