Table of Contents

Method SubscribeCoreAsync


SubscribeCoreAsync<T>(string, string?, INatsDeserialize<T>?, NatsSubOpts?, CancellationToken)

Initiates a subscription to a subject, optionally joining a distributed queue group and returns a INatsSub<T> object which provides more control over the subscription.

public ValueTask<INatsSub<T>> SubscribeCoreAsync<T>(string subject, string? queueGroup = null, INatsDeserialize<T>? serializer = null, NatsSubOpts? opts = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)


subject string

The subject name to subscribe to.

queueGroup string

If specified, the subscriber will join this queue group.

serializer INatsDeserialize<T>

Serializer to use for the message type.

opts NatsSubOpts

A NatsSubOpts for subscription options.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

A CancellationToken used to cancel the command.



An asynchronous task that completes with the NATS subscription.

Type Parameters


Specifies the type of data that may be received from the NATS Server.


Subscribers with the same queue group name, become a queue group, and only one randomly chosen subscriber of the queue group will consume a message each time a message is received by the queue group.

This method returns a INatsSub<T> object which provides slightly lower level control over the subscription. You can use this object to create your own core messaging patterns or to create your own higher level abstractions.