Interface StreamState


  • StreamState


bytes: number

Combined size of all messages in the Stream

consumer_count: number

Number of Consumers attached to the Stream

deleted: number[]

IDs of messages that were deleted using the Message Delete API or Interest based streams removing messages out of order deleted_details is specified on the request.

first_seq: number

Sequence number of the first message in the Stream

first_ts: string

The ISO timestamp of the first message in the Stream

last_seq: number

Sequence number of the last message in the Stream

last_ts: string

The ISO timestamp of the last message in the Stream

Messages that were damaged and unrecoverable

messages: number

Number of messages stored in the Stream

num_deleted: number

The number of deleted messages

num_subjects?: number

The number of unique subjects held in the stream

subjects?: Record<string, number>

Subjects and their message counts when a subjects_filter was set

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