Consumer will ack all messages - not that unless manualAck is set the client will auto ack messages after processing via its callback or when the iterator continues processing.
Bind to the specified durable (or consumer name if ephemeral) on the specified stream. If the consumer doesn't exist, the subscribe will fail. Bind the recommended way of subscribing to a stream, as it requires the consumer to exist already.
Use a callback to process messages. If not specified, you process messages by iterating on the returned subscription object.
Push consumer only option - Enables idle heartbeats from the server. If the number of specified millis is reached and no messages are available on the server, the server will send a heartbeat (status code 100 message) indicating that the JetStream consumer is alive.
Pull consumer only - Sets the max amount of time that an ephemeral consumer will be allowed to live on the server. If the client doesn't perform any requests during the specified interval the server will discard the consumer.
Push consumer only option - Standard NATS queue group option, same as deliverGroup
A builder API that creates a ConsumerOpt