Push an account jwt to an Account JWT Server
nsc push (currentAccount)
push -a <accountName>
push -A (all accounts)
push -P
push -P -A (all accounts) [flags]
-a, --account string account name
-u, --account-jwt-server-url string set account jwt server url for nsc sync (only http/https/nats urls supported if updating with nsc) If a nats url is provided
-R, --account-removal string remove specific account. Only works with nats-resolver enabled nats-server. Mutually exclusive of prune/diff.
-A, --all push all accounts under the current operator (exclusive of -a)
-D, --diff diff accounts present in nsc env and nats-account-resolver. Mutually exclusive of account-removal/prune.
-F, --force push regardless of validation issues
-h, --help help for push
-P, --prune prune all accounts not under the current operator. Only works with nats-resolver enabled nats-server. Mutually exclusive of account-removal/diff.
--system-account string System account for use with nats-resolver enabled nats-server. (Default is system account specified by operator)
--system-user string System account user for use with nats-resolver enabled nats-server. (Default to temporarily generated user)
--timeout int timeout in seconds [1-60] to wait for responses from the server (only applicable to nats-resolver configurations, and applies per operation) (default 1)
-H, --all-dirs string sets --config-dir, --data-dir, and --keystore-dir to the same value
--config-dir string nsc config directory
--data-dir string nsc data store directory
-i, --interactive ask questions for various settings
--keystore-dir string nsc keystore directory
-K, --private-key string Key used to sign. Can be specified as role (where applicable),
public key (private portion is retrieved)
or file path to a private key or private key