
nsc pull

Pull an operator or account jwt replacing the local jwt with the server’s version


Pull an operator or account jwt replacing the local jwt with the server’s version

nsc pull [flags]


  -a, --account string          account name
  -A, --all                     operator and all accounts under the operator
  -h, --help                    help for pull
  -F, --overwrite-newer         overwrite local JWTs that are newer than remote
      --system-account string   System account for use with nats-resolver enabled nats-server. (Default is system account specified by operator)
      --system-user string      System account user for use with nats-resolver enabled nats-server. (Default to temporarily generated user)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config-dir string     nsc config directory
      --data-dir string       nsc data store directory
  -i, --interactive           ask questions for various settings
      --keystore-dir string   nsc keystore directory
  -K, --private-key string    Key used to sign. Can be specified as role (where applicable),
                              public key (private portion is retrieved)
                              or file path to a private key or private key 


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Feb-2022