Edit an user
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user –name
nsc edit user [flags]
-a, --account string account name
--allow-pub strings add publish permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--allow-pub-response int[=1] permissions to limit how often a client can publish to reply subjects [with an optional count, --allow-pub-response=n] (global)
--allow-pubsub strings add publish and subscribe permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--allow-sub strings add subscribe permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--bearer no connect challenge required for user
--conn-type strings set allowed connection types: LEAFNODE MQTT STANDARD WEBSOCKET LEAFNODE_WS MQTT_WS IN_PROCESS - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--data number set maximum data in bytes for the user (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
--deny-pub strings add deny publish permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--deny-pubsub strings add deny publish and subscribe permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--deny-sub strings add deny subscribe permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--expiry string valid until ('0' is always, '2M' is two months) - yyyy-mm-dd, #m(inutes), #h(ours), #d(ays), #w(eeks), #M(onths), #y(ears)
-h, --help help for user
--locale time-locale set the locale with which time values are interpreted
-n, --name string user name
--payload number set maximum message payload in bytes for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
--response-ttl string the amount of time the permissions is valid (global) - [#ms(millis) | #s(econds) | m(inutes) | h(ours)] - Default is no time limit.
--rm strings remove publish/subscribe and deny permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--rm-conn-type strings remove connection types - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--rm-response-perms remove response settings from permissions
--rm-source-network strings remove source network for connection - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--rm-tag strings remove tag - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--rm-time strings remove start-end time by start time "hh:mm:ss" (option can be specified multiple times)
--source-network strings add source network for connection - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--start string valid from ('0' is always, '3d' is three days) - yyyy-mm-dd, #m(inutes), #h(ours), #d(ays), #w(eeks), #M(onths), #y(ears)
--subs int set maximum number of subscriptions (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
--tag strings add tags for user - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
--time time-ranges add start-end time range of the form "hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss" (option can be specified multiple times) (default [])
-H, --all-dirs string sets --config-dir, --data-dir, and --keystore-dir to the same value
--config-dir string nsc config directory
--data-dir string nsc data store directory
-i, --interactive ask questions for various settings
--keystore-dir string nsc keystore directory
-K, --private-key string Key used to sign. Can be specified as role (where applicable),
public key (private portion is retrieved)
or file path to a private key or private key