
nsc edit account

Edit an account


Edit an account

nsc edit account [flags]


      --allow-pub strings            add publish default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --allow-pub-response int[=1]   default permissions to limit how often a client can publish to reply subjects [with an optional count, --allow-pub-response=n] (global)
      --allow-pubsub strings         add publish and subscribe default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --allow-sub strings            add subscribe default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --conns number                 set maximum active connections for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --data number                  set maximum data in bytes for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --deny-pub strings             add deny publish default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --deny-pubsub strings          add deny publish and subscribe default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --deny-sub strings             add deny subscribe default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --description string           Description for this account
      --expiry string                valid until ('0' is always, '2M' is two months) - yyyy-mm-dd, #m(inutes), #h(ours), #d(ays), #w(eeks), #M(onths), #y(ears) (default "0")
      --exports number               set maximum number of exports for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
  -h, --help                         help for account
      --imports number               set maximum number of imports for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --info-url string              Link for more info on this account
      --js-consumer number           Jetstream: set maximum consumer for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --js-disk-storage number       Jetstream: set maximum disk storage in bytes for the account (-1 is unlimited / 0 disabled) (units: k/m/g/t kib/mib/gib/tib)
      --js-mem-storage number        Jetstream: set maximum memory storage in bytes for the account (-1 is unlimited / 0 disabled) (units: k/m/g/t kib/mib/gib/tib)
      --js-streams number            Jetstream: set maximum streams for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --leaf-conns number            set maximum active leaf node connections for the account (-1 is unlimited)
  -n, --name string                  account to edit
      --payload number               set maximum message payload in bytes for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --response-ttl string          the amount of time the default permissions is valid (global) - [#ms(millis) | #s(econds) | m(inutes) | h(ours)] - Default is no time limit.
      --rm strings                   remove publish/subscribe and deny default permissions - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --rm-response-perms            remove response settings from default permissions
      --rm-sk strings                remove signing key - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --rm-tag strings               remove tag - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --sk strings                   signing key or keypath or the value "generate"" to generate a key pair on the fly - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --start string                 valid from ('0' is always, '3d' is three days) - yyyy-mm-dd, #m(inutes), #h(ours), #d(ays), #w(eeks), #M(onths), #y(ears) (default "0")
      --subscriptions number         set maximum subscription for the account (-1 is unlimited) (default -1)
      --tag strings                  add tags for user - comma separated list or option can be specified multiple times
      --wildcard-exports             exports can contain wildcards (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config-dir string     nsc config directory
      --data-dir string       nsc data store directory
  -i, --interactive           ask questions for various settings
      --keystore-dir string   nsc keystore directory
  -K, --private-key string    Key used to sign. Can be specified as role (where applicable),
                              public key (private portion is retrieved)
                              or file path to a private key or private key 


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Feb-2022