Source code for nats.aio.subscription

# Copyright 2016-2021 The NATS Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from typing import (
from uuid import uuid4

from nats import errors
# Default Pending Limits of Subscriptions
from nats.aio.msg import Msg

    from nats.js import JetStreamContext


[docs] class Subscription: """ A Subscription represents interest in a particular subject. A Subscription should not be constructed directly, rather `connection.subscribe()` should be used to get a subscription. :: nc = await nats.connect() # Async Subscription async def cb(msg): print('Received', msg) await nc.subscribe('foo', cb=cb) # Sync Subscription sub = nc.subscribe('foo') msg = await sub.next_msg() print('Received', msg) """ def __init__( self, conn, id: int = 0, subject: str = "", queue: str = "", cb: Optional[Callable[[Msg], Awaitable[None]]] = None, future: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None, max_msgs: int = 0, pending_msgs_limit: int = DEFAULT_SUB_PENDING_MSGS_LIMIT, pending_bytes_limit: int = DEFAULT_SUB_PENDING_BYTES_LIMIT, ) -> None: self._conn = conn self._id = id self._subject = subject self._queue = queue self._max_msgs = max_msgs self._received = 0 self._cb = cb self._future = future self._closed = False # Per subscription message processor. self._pending_msgs_limit = pending_msgs_limit self._pending_bytes_limit = pending_bytes_limit self._pending_queue: asyncio.Queue[Msg] = asyncio.Queue( maxsize=pending_msgs_limit ) # If no callback, then this is a sync subscription which will # require tracking the next_msg calls inflight for cancelling. if cb is None: self._pending_next_msgs_calls = {} else: self._pending_next_msgs_calls = None self._pending_size = 0 self._wait_for_msgs_task = None self._message_iterator = None # For JetStream enabled subscriptions. self._jsi: Optional[JetStreamContext._JSI] = None @property def subject(self) -> str: """ Returns the subject of the `Subscription`. """ return self._subject @property def queue(self) -> str: """ Returns the queue name of the `Subscription` if part of a queue group. """ return self._queue @property def messages(self) -> AsyncIterator[Msg]: """ Retrieves an async iterator for the messages from the subscription. This is only available if a callback isn't provided when creating a subscription. :: nc = await nats.connect() sub = await nc.subscribe('foo') # Use `async for` which implicitly awaits messages async for msg in sub.messages: print('Received', msg) """ if not self._message_iterator: raise errors.Error( "cannot iterate over messages with a non iteration subscription type" ) return self._message_iterator @property def pending_msgs(self) -> int: """ Number of delivered messages by the NATS Server that are being buffered in the pending queue. """ return self._pending_queue.qsize() @property def pending_bytes(self) -> int: """ Size of data sent by the NATS Server that is being buffered in the pending queue. """ return self._pending_size @property def delivered(self) -> int: """ Number of delivered messages to this subscription so far. """ return self._received
[docs] async def next_msg(self, timeout: Optional[float] = 1.0) -> Msg: """ :params timeout: Time in seconds to wait for next message before timing out. :raises nats.errors.TimeoutError: next_msg can be used to retrieve the next message from a stream of messages using await syntax, this only works when not passing a callback on `subscribe`:: sub = await nc.subscribe('hello') msg = await sub.next_msg(timeout=1) """ if self._conn.is_closed: raise errors.ConnectionClosedError if self._cb: raise errors.Error( "nats: next_msg cannot be used in async subscriptions" ) task_name = str(uuid4()) try: future = asyncio.create_task( asyncio.wait_for(self._pending_queue.get(), timeout) ) self._pending_next_msgs_calls[task_name] = future msg = await future except asyncio.TimeoutError: if self._conn.is_closed: raise errors.ConnectionClosedError raise errors.TimeoutError except asyncio.CancelledError: if self._conn.is_closed: raise errors.ConnectionClosedError raise else: self._pending_size -= len( # For sync subscriptions we will consider a message # to be done once it has been consumed by the client # regardless of whether it has been processed. self._pending_queue.task_done() return msg finally: self._pending_next_msgs_calls.pop(task_name, None)
def _start(self, error_cb): """ Creates the resources for the subscription to start processing messages. """ if self._cb: if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self._cb) and not ( hasattr(self._cb, "func") and asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self._cb.func)): raise errors.Error( "nats: must use coroutine for subscriptions" ) self._wait_for_msgs_task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task( self._wait_for_msgs(error_cb) ) elif self._future: # Used to handle the single response from a request. pass else: self._message_iterator = _SubscriptionMessageIterator(self)
[docs] async def drain(self): """ Removes interest in a subject, but will process remaining messages. """ if self._conn.is_closed: raise errors.ConnectionClosedError if self._conn.is_draining: raise errors.ConnectionDrainingError if self._closed: raise errors.BadSubscriptionError await self._drain()
async def _drain(self) -> None: try: # Announce server that no longer want to receive more # messages in this sub and just process the ones remaining. await self._conn._send_unsubscribe(self._id) # Roundtrip to ensure that the server has sent all messages. await self._conn.flush() if self._pending_queue: # Wait until no more messages are left, # then cancel the subscription task. await self._pending_queue.join() # stop waiting for messages self._stop_processing() # Subscription is done and won't be receiving further # messages so can throw it away now. self._conn._remove_sub(self._id) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise finally: self._closed = True
[docs] async def unsubscribe(self, limit: int = 0): """ :param limit: Max number of messages to receive before unsubscribing. Removes interest in a subject, remaining messages will be discarded. If `limit` is greater than zero, interest is not immediately removed, rather, interest will be automatically removed after `limit` messages are received. """ if self._conn.is_closed: raise errors.ConnectionClosedError if self._conn.is_draining: raise errors.ConnectionDrainingError if self._closed: raise errors.BadSubscriptionError self._max_msgs = limit if limit == 0 or (self._received >= limit and self._pending_queue.empty()): self._closed = True self._stop_processing() self._conn._remove_sub(self._id) if not self._conn.is_reconnecting: await self._conn._send_unsubscribe(self._id, limit=limit)
def _stop_processing(self) -> None: """ Stops the subscription from processing new messages. """ if self._wait_for_msgs_task and not self._wait_for_msgs_task.done(): self._wait_for_msgs_task.cancel() if self._message_iterator: self._message_iterator._cancel() async def _wait_for_msgs(self, error_cb) -> None: """ A coroutine to read and process messages if a callback is provided. Should be called as a task. """ assert self._cb, "_wait_for_msgs can be called only from _start" while True: try: msg = await self._pending_queue.get() self._pending_size -= len( try: # Invoke depending of type of handler. await self._cb(msg) except asyncio.CancelledError: # In case the coroutine handler gets cancelled # then stop task loop and return. break except Exception as e: # All errors from calling a handler # are async errors. if error_cb: await error_cb(e) finally: # indicate the message finished processing so drain can continue. self._pending_queue.task_done() # Apply auto unsubscribe checks after having processed last msg. if (self._max_msgs > 0 and self._received >= self._max_msgs and self._pending_queue.empty): self._stop_processing() except asyncio.CancelledError: break
class _SubscriptionMessageIterator: def __init__(self, sub: Subscription) -> None: self._sub: Subscription = sub self._queue: asyncio.Queue[Msg] = sub._pending_queue self._unsubscribed_future: asyncio.Future[bool] = asyncio.Future() def _cancel(self) -> None: if not self._unsubscribed_future.done(): self._unsubscribed_future.set_result(True) def __aiter__(self) -> _SubscriptionMessageIterator: return self async def __anext__(self) -> Msg: get_task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(self._queue.get()) tasks: List[asyncio.Future] = [get_task, self._unsubscribed_future] finished, _ = await asyncio.wait( tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) sub = self._sub if get_task in finished: self._queue.task_done() msg = get_task.result() self._sub._pending_size -= len( # Unblock the iterator in case it has already received enough messages. if sub._max_msgs > 0 and sub._received >= sub._max_msgs: self._cancel() return msg elif self._unsubscribed_future.done(): get_task.cancel() raise StopAsyncIteration