NATS .NET is a .NET client for the open source NATS messaging system. It's built on top of the modern .NET platform, taking advantage of the high performance features and asynchronous programming model.
NATS .NET, just like NATS, is open source as is this documentation. Please let us know if you have updates or suggestions for these docs. You can also create a Pull Request in GitHub using the Edit this page link on each page.
Don't confuse NuGet packages!
NATS .NET package on NuGet is called NATS.Net.
There is another package called NATS.Client
which is the older version of the client library
and will be deprecated eventually.
NATS .NET now supports .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1 along with .NET 6.0 and 8.0, which means you can also use it with .NET Framework 4.6.2+ and Unity 2018.1+.
Quick Start
You can download the latest nats-server
for your platform and run it without any arguments.
$ nats-server
will listen on its default TCP port 4222. By default nats-server
will not support persistence and only
provide the foundational messaging features also called Core NATS. You can
also enable JetStream by passing the -js
flag to nats-server
and enable
persistence and other advanced features.
If you prefer using containers, you can also run the latest NATS server image using Docker or Podman, for example:
$ docker run nats
Here are quick examples to get you started with NATS .NET:
Core NATS is the basic messaging functionality. Messages can be published to a subject and received by one or more subscribers listening to the same subject only when they are running. Messages are not stored anywhere.
Start NATS server with default options:
$ nats-server
$ docker run nats
Reference NATS.Net NuGet package in your project:
await using var nc = new NatsClient();
// We will use a cancellation token to stop the subscription
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var subscription = Task.Run(async () =>
await foreach (var msg in nc.SubscribeAsync<string>(subject: "greet.*", cancellationToken: cts.Token))
Console.WriteLine($"Received: {msg.Subject}: {msg.Data}");
// Give subscription time to start
await Task.Delay(1000);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
await nc.PublishAsync(subject: $"greet.{i}", data: $"Hello, World! {i}");
// Give subscription task time to receive messages
await Task.Delay(1000);
// Unsubscribe
await cts.CancelAsync();
await subscription;
Now you should be able to run the NATS server on your machine and use the above code samples to see the basics of NATS messaging and persistence.
What's Next
Core NATS is the base set of functionalities and qualities of service offered by a NATS service infrastructure.
JetStream is the distributed persistence system built-in to the same NATS server binary.
Key/Value Store is the built-in distributed persistent associative arrays built on top of JetStream.
Object Store is the built-in distributed persistent objects of arbitrary size built on top of JetStream.
Services is the Service Protocol built on top of core NATS enabling discovery and monitoring of services you develop.