Table of Contents

Interface INatsKVStore

public interface INatsKVStore



Name of the Key Value Store bucket


CreateAsync<T>(string, T, INatsSerialize<T>?, CancellationToken)

Create a new entry in the bucket only if it doesn't exist

DeleteAsync(string, NatsKVDeleteOpts?, CancellationToken)

Delete an entry from the bucket

GetEntryAsync<T>(string, ulong, INatsDeserialize<T>?, CancellationToken)

Get an entry from the bucket using the key

GetKeysAsync(NatsKVWatchOpts?, CancellationToken)

Get all the keys in the bucket

GetKeysAsync(IEnumerable<string>, NatsKVWatchOpts?, CancellationToken)

Get a filtered set of keys in the bucket


Get the bucket status

HistoryAsync<T>(string, INatsDeserialize<T>?, NatsKVWatchOpts?, CancellationToken)

Get the history of an entry by key

PurgeAsync(string, NatsKVDeleteOpts?, CancellationToken)

Purge an entry from the bucket

PurgeDeletesAsync(NatsKVPurgeOpts?, CancellationToken)

Purge all deleted entries

PutAsync<T>(string, T, INatsSerialize<T>?, CancellationToken)

Put a value into the bucket using the key

UpdateAsync<T>(string, T, ulong, INatsSerialize<T>?, CancellationToken)

Update an entry in the bucket only if last update revision matches

WatchAsync<T>(INatsDeserialize<T>?, NatsKVWatchOpts?, CancellationToken)

Start a watcher for all the keys in the bucket

WatchAsync<T>(IEnumerable<string>, INatsDeserialize<T>?, NatsKVWatchOpts?, CancellationToken)

Start a watcher for specific keys

WatchAsync<T>(string, INatsDeserialize<T>?, NatsKVWatchOpts?, CancellationToken)

Start a watcher for specific keys