Namespace NATS.Client.JetStream
- NatsJSApiException
JetStream API call errors.
- NatsJSConsumeOpts
Consumer consume method options.
- NatsJSConsumer
Represents a NATS JetStream consumer.
- NatsJSContext
Provides management and access to NATS JetStream streams and consumers.
- NatsJSDuplicateMessageException
The exception that is thrown when JetStream publish acknowledgment indicates a duplicate sequence error.
- NatsJSException
Generic JetStream exception.
- NatsJSFetchOpts
Consumer fetch method options.
- NatsJSNextOpts
Consumer next method options.
- NatsJSOpts
JetStream options to be used within a JetStream context.
- NatsJSOrderedConsumer
NATS JetStream ordered consumer.
- NatsJSProtocolException
JetStream protocol errors received during message consumption.
- NatsJSStream
Represents a NATS JetStream stream.
- AckOpts
Options to be used when acknowledging messages received from a stream using a consumer.
- NatsJSMsgMetadata
Additional metadata about the message.
- NatsJSMsg<T>
NATS JetStream message with NatsMsg<T> and control messages.
- NatsJSSequencePair
The sequence pair for the message.
- INatsJSMsg<T>
This interface provides an optional contract when passing messages to processing methods which is usually helpful in creating test doubles in unit testing.